Digimon Great Legends UDPATE

It is still not clear to me how much I will be getting.
I’ll put up preorders when I get this information from my suppliers.
Expect box prices to be in the $120-$130 range. (The price will come down if I’m able to get more)
EXPECTED release date is June 11.

Thanks for your patience.

Pokemon Battle Styles news

Important dates:
Prerelease: March 6-March14
Early release: March 15
Official release: March 19

This new and exciting set comes out this month! We’ll have a small number of Build and Battle kits available for prerelease on March 6. The quantity we receive is fixed by the Pokemon Company since last March because of Covid-19. Over the last few months, interest in the Pokemon TCG has exploded and we are unable to increase the number of pre-release kits that we receive for pre-release.

Orders for pre-release Build and Battle Kits will go on sale Thursday at 11am on our web-site.

Even with release just a few weeks away, it is still unclear to me how much product I’ll be receiving. I would love to take your money for preorders now, but I will not risk over-selling and not having enough boxes to cover preorders.

Orders for Battle Styles booster boxes, elite trainer boxes, and theme decks will go on sale when I know how much of each I’ll get getting.