July 29 – Fluxx Board Game

Fluxx is a popular card game where the rules are constantly changing depending on the cards being played.  It has spawned a number of expansions that spoof popular culture: Star Flux, Zombie Fluxx, Pirate Fluxx, etc.  Looney Labs is now coming out with a Fluxx Board Game which will be demoed at Battlegrounds Gaming on July 29 at 7:30 pm.  Suitable for ages 8 years and up, this game can accommodate 2-4 players.  Much like the card game, the rules will change as you play: goals will change and now so will the tiles.

Come by on Monday, July 29 at 7:30pm. Continue reading

Magic Sealed League & Anniversary Tournament

Magic2014 Sealed League, July 25
Each participant gets 6 boosters of M14.  Each week after the first, players may purchase 1 booster pack and add it to the pool. Your first 4 matches each week count towards your record with additional match wins adding to your tie-breaker total. Runs for 5 weeks. Can‘t get all matches in a week? You can make them up the following week.
First place will win a box of From the Vault: 20!  Remaining prizes will be determined on number of participants.

BG’s Anniversary Tournament, July 27
We are celebrating our 2nd Anniversary with our Second Annual mini-Worlds type tournament!
It will start with 3 rounds of Magic 2014 sealed.
The next 3 rounds will be Standard.
The top 8 will draft Magic 2014 to determine the winner.
Entrance fee is $30.  Starts at noon!
First place will win a box of Modern Masters!   Other prizes will be determined.

July 22 – Arkham Horror

“A board game of Lovecraftian Terror for 1-8 players.”

Designed for 1-8 players, Arkham Horror is a cooperative adventure game of survival, horror, and investigation. Players take on the role of an investigator, each with his own unique backstory, abilities, and equipment. On their own, it’s likely they won’t make it through the night. But together, these unlikely heroes might stand in the very presence of an Ancient One and live to tell the tale…if they can retain their sanity! Continue reading