Magic 2015 Release Draft

Magic 2015 releases on July 18, 2014 (Friday).  I’ll run a booster draft for our Friday Night Magic event at 7pm.  We have a limited number of spots available so it is recommended you sign up early.  $15 is due to register.  You may call with a credit card number.

Update Uncanny X-Men Dice Masters

News from Alliance Games Distributors:

The following WizKids products have changed their release dates from September 3rd to October 22nd 2014.

WZK 71658      Marvel Dice Masters: The Uncanny X-Men Dice Building Game Starter Set

WZK 71660      Marvel Dice Masters: The Uncanny X-Men Dice Building Game 90 Count Gravity Feed Display

3rd Anniversary Tournament

Hello Magic Players!

Battlegrounds Gaming has been open 3 years and it is time for our annul multi-format tournament.

July 19 @ Noon.  (Doors open at 11am)

$25 to enter.
Rounds 1-3 are Sealed Magic 2015
Rounds 4-6 are Standard
Top 8 will draft Magic 2015
1st place: 1 booster box of Magic 2015 OR From the Vaults: Annihilation (comes out in August)
2nd palce; 1/2 booster box
3rd-4th: 1/4 booster box each
5th-8th: 3 booster packs each