Get your Magic teams together! You have roughly 1 month!
It’s free and the winning team gets a box of Double Masters 2022 Draft Boosters. Winter season will run from end of October to Innistrad Remastered Prerelease (dates not yet announced). The second place team will get a play booster box and the third place team with get a bundle.
Here is what you need to know:
- Teams are 3 players – come up with a team name (please keep it appropriate)
- Each player earns team points by participating in events during the Winter Season.
- A player can switch teams once and must be before Christmas Day. Points that player earned stays with the team he is leaving. New points earned will go to the new team.
- Team with most points at end of the season wins the booster box.
Tie-breaker is team with most wins.
How to earn points:
- Modern, Standard weekly: 2 points
- Weekly booster drafts: 2 points
- Legacy, Premodern: 4 points
- Prereleases: 3 points
- Special events: 4 points
Winning any of these events earns the team 1 point.
Join our discord for any questions!