Players are requested to park across Notthingham Place at Richard Briggs High School. It simply across the side street from the store. Thanks!

Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifiers (PPTQs) are the first step for players on their path to the Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour. By winning a Preliminary PTQ, you will qualify for that season’s Regional Pro Tour Qualifier (RPTQ).
Register online up to September 3, 10am EST. Sign ups after this time will be in-store only.
Battlegrounds Gaming is hosting a PPTQ Saturday, September 3, 2016.
- Format: Modern
- REL competitive – Decklists required
- Swiss rounds based on attendance with cut to top 8
- Registration: 10 am
- Start: 11 am
- Entry: $25.00
- Prizes:
1st place: $200 + invite to RPTQ
2nd place: $100
3rd 4th: $50 each
5th-8th: $25 each