Hi Magic Players!
Lots of fun stuff coming up at Battlegrounds Gaming for you guys! So let’s get to it:
Spoilers for Dark Ascension have started and we will be hosting TWO prerelease events! The $25 entrance fee includes your sealed pool (3 Innistrad boosters and 3 Dark Ascension boosters) and a free foil card!
The first will be Friday night/Saturday morning at midnight!
The 2nd will be during the day Saturday. Doors will open at 11 am and deckbuilding will start at Noon.
The official release date for Dark Ascension is Friday, February 3rd. That night, we will have a Launch Party booster draft. Only $15 and starting at 7pm sharp so get here early to reserve a spot. Space is limited.
If constructed tournaments are more your speed, we still have our weekly standard tournaments on Saturdays (except on prerelease dates). Our last WIN-A-BOX standard constructed tournament was quite successful so we are going to have those monthly. January’s WIN-A-BOX will be January 21st at 1pm. Entrance fee for the WIN-A-BOX is $10.
And with the release of Dark Ascension, comes the opportunity for another Sealed Booster League! The Innistrad Sealed Booster League was so-o much fun. This will run similarly with Innistrad and Dark Ascension boosters. The number of weekly matches will be reduced from 5 to 4, and the extra tie-breaker matches are still an option. It will run for 7 weeks. Further details to follow.
Thanks again for all the support!