Infantry Aces Kickoff event
The particulars
When: Sunday June 29th @ 11am
Where: Battleground Gaming 267 Main Ave. Norwalk, CT 06851
What: 500 pts – 900pts Late War Armies only – all approved PDF’s and books accepted.
Pick a list and stick with that Unit. The points will escalate each round, 500, 700, 900. So for example, if you were to be bringing the 82nd airborne out of Market Garden, you would need to bring a 500, 700 and 900 pt list.
How Much?: Buy in will be the purchase of a blister from the store in question, all blisters purchased get raffled off at the end. Winning games and being fully painted will get you more tickets:
What gets what?
Buying a blister and entering the tourney? = 1 ticket
Fully painted? = 1 extra ticket
played a game? = 1 extra ticket
won a game? = 1 extra ticket
So in theory, if you showed up with an unpainted army, and played all three rounds, you would have 4 chances to win some prizes!
Doors open at 11 am
11-11:15 registration and pairing
(11:30 – 1:00 pm)Round 1 – 500 pts – Mission = Free for All (takes place on a 4X4 board)
1 pm-2 pm lunch
(2:00 pm – 3:30 pm)Round 2 – 700 pts – Mission = Breakthrough (takes place on a 6X4 board)
(3:45 pm – 5:45pm)Round 3 – 900 pts – Mission = Fighting Withdrawal (takes place on a 6X4 board)
If the rounds all end early, we will move forward early. Fighting withdrawal will be played to its conclusion, unless other wise decided upon by the Tournament organizer (me) or players.
Submit all lists by email or on the Facebook event page by Friday 11:59pm on June 27th.
Ringer – Tom Mullane – 3rd Canadian Infantry Division (Overlord)
wait list.
(preference will be given to newer players, sorry vets!)