Iconic Masters Pre-Sale


What is Iconic Masters?

Iconic Masters offers players a tour through some of the most powerful cards in over 23 years of Magic history. The set brings an array of massive Angels, Sphinxes, Demons, Dragons, and Hydras alongside some of our favorite and most memorable spells, many featuring new artwork. Iconic Masters is designed to provide an exciting and unique Limited experience with cards that have never been drafted together.

Release Information

The Iconic Masters set contains 249 cards (101 common, 80 uncommon, 53 rare, and 15 mythic rare).

Release date: November 17, 2017

Format Legality

All cards in the Iconic Masters set are legal in the two “Eternal” formats, Legacy and Vintage. Inclusion in the Iconic Masters set doesn’t change what other formats a card is legal in.

A limited supply of booster boxes is available for pre-order at $199.99 +tax.

Pre-order boxes online here!
