February 15th is the 3rd Saturday of the month which means it is a Win-A-Box standard tournament. Starting at 1pm Saturday will be a 4-5 round swiss event with a cut to a Top-8 single elimination playoff.
Prizes are as follows:
1st place – 1 box of Born of the Gods booster packs
1st place – 1 box of Born of the Gods booster packs
2nd place – 1/2 box of BotG
3rd & 4th – 1/4 box of BotG each
5th-8th – 3 boosters packs each
The entrance fee is $10.
Our Born of the Gods Sealed League starts February 20. You will receive 3 booster packs each of BotG and Theros. Build a deck of at least 40 cards from the cards you open. Play against 4 different league players each week to win points – play additional matches for tie-breakers. You may change the deck at anytime.
After each week, you may buy 1 booster pack (discounted to $3.50) and add any those cards to your deck. The league will run for 5 weeks (total of 20 matches). Prizes will be based on the number of entrants.
League matches may be played at any time. People may join at any time starting February 20.
The next Duel Deck, Jace vs Vraska, releases March 14, 2014. Retails for $19.99. I’ll be taking pre-orders February 14 to 28, 2014 at only $15.99.