Hello Magic Players!
Pre-selling Theros Booster boxes for $110 + tax. The release date is September 27. Boxes are also available in Chinese, and Korean (same great price!)
Saturday, September 7 – Magic Celebration!
We have our regular standard event at 1pm for only $5.
But we are also hosting Magic Celebration with Mini-Masters events running all day. Mini-Masters are great fun! First you get a free booster pack of Magic 2014! Remove the basic land and token and add 3 of each basic land. Then battle in best-of-3 games! Oh yeah – you can’t look at the contents of your first booster pack. Winner gets a booster pack to add to his deck. Single elimination tournaments will run all day while supplies last. Once you add your 2nd pack, your deck-construction rules revert to normal rules for Limited decks, which means you can modify your deck contents and add more lands as desired, so long as your deck is at least 40 cards.
Modern Constructed, September 16 at 7pm, $10
Due to several requests, Battlegrounds Gaming will now host monthly Modern Constructed Magic tournaments on a Monday night. We allow each deck and sideboard to contain up to 8 proxy cards.
Theros Pre-release September 21-22
The next block of Magic starts with the set called Theros. Our pre-release events will be on September 21 & 22. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged as space is limited. We are now accepting registrations for the following events.
- Midnight (Friday night into Saturday) – Entry is $30.
- Noon – Entry is $30.
- 7pm – Entry is $30.
- Sunday, 1pm – Two-Headed Giant – Entry is $20 per person or $40 per team. Each 2-player team will share 8 booster packs and build two 40-card decks. Matches are 1 game (no sideboarding)
WIN-A-BOX, Saturday, September 28, 1pm ($10):
Since the Theros Pre-Release tournament is on the 3rd Saturday of September, we will move the Win-A-Box to September 28 at 1pm. This is the new standard format in which you may use cards from the following sets: Theros, Magic 2014, Return to Ravnica, Gatecrash, and Dragon’s Maze.
Standard tournament where we will run 4-5 rounds of swiss followed by Top 8.
Prize payout:
1st place gets a booster box of Magic2014
2nd place: 1/2 a booster box
3rd & 4th: 9 booster packs
5th-8th: 3 booster packs
Theros Sealed League begins October 3rd.
Details next month.
And don’t forget our regular events:
Tuesday booster drafts at 7:30pm.
Friday Night Magic – booster drafts at 7pm.
Saturday Standard at 1pm (Not on June 15 though)
Win-A-Box standard tournaments every 3rd Saturday of the month!
Follow us on Twitter (@BattlegroundsGa)
We’re also on Facebook.