August Magic events

Hello Magic Players!

This is what we have going on this month for Magic the Gathering.

Magic From The Vault 20
There is a lot of excitement about this set since the announcement that Jace the Mind-Sculptor will be included.  This set releases August 23.
We are getting a limited quantity of these.  I’ll let you know how it will be available to you. Or you can win one in our Magic 2014 Sealed League (see below).
As with Modern Masters, I will not be selling these online – only in store.

August 5 – Star Wars X-Wing

Image being in command of a small fleet of Rebel Alliance X-Wing fighters or a squad of Imperial Tie Fighters.  And then going in to battle in space.  You can do exactly that August 5 at 7:30pm.  We will have 2 tables set up for 1v1 or 2v2 skirmishes.  We have the base set in stock as well as A-Wings, Tie Inteceptors, the Millennium Falcon and Boba Fett’s Slave1.

Come by on Monday, August 5 at 7:30pm.

Here is our schedule for the coming weeks:

  • August 5 – Star Wars X-Wing
  • August 12 – King of Tokyo,
  • August 19 – Settlers of Catan
  • August 26 – Lords of Waterdeep

We will still have our regular Wednesday Open Gaming nights! See you over the summer!